UNDP ESPA-3 supported the Armenian CEC in voted education activities for local elections

In light of several local self-governance bodies’ elections in Armenia, ESPA-3 supported the CEC in producing two public service announcements explaining the electoral systems for local elections and procedures for conducting local elections. The videos were produced in an authentic Armenian style as a conversation between the granddaughter and the grandfather, allowing to explain complicated […]

UNDP ESPA-3 supports the CEC on production and broadcast of the series of TV shows

  The UNDP ESPA-3 supported the CEC in cooperating with the public broadcaster covering 99% of the territory of Armenia   on   conducting   the   voter   education campaign through the production and broadcast of five TV shows “Your Right to Vote” devoted to the   specific   topic   of   the   electoral   process, specifically focusing on women and people with […]

UNDP ESPA-3 conducts BRIDGE workshops for the Armenian CEC and disability-related NGOs on the accessibility of the electoral process

BRIDGE workshops for the CEC and civil society/persons with disability-related NGO representatives on the accessibility of the electoral process A two-day BRIDGE workshop, “Access and Elections” was held on November 25-26, 2021, in Yerevan. The workshop was organized jointly by the Project, the CEC, and IFES and aimed to examine international standards, barriers, solutions, and […]

BRIDGE workshop “Access and Elections”

A two-day BRIDGE workshop “Access and Elections” was held on November 25-26 in Yerevan. The workshop was organized jointly by the Central Electoral Commission of Armenia (CEC), UNDP Electoral Support Project in Armenia 3 (ESPA-3) and IFES (SEPPA), and aimed to examine international standards, barriers, solutions, and discrimination aspects for the persons with disabilities’ participation […]

Organization of electoral schools throughout Armenia

Ten two-day electoral schools, organized by UNDP in Armenia within the Electoral Support Project in Armenia (ESPA-3), were held in several regions of Armenia։ Aragatsotn, Armavir, Kotayk, Lori, Shirak, Tavush, and Vayots Dzor during October- November 2021. The schools aimed to educate Armenian citizens on electoral issues and raise voters’ awareness ahead of the local […]

International Community Supports the Improvement of the Accessibility of Electoral Processes

Yerevan, 03 December 2021 – Today, representatives of state institutions, diplomatic community, civil society organizations, media, as well as persons with disabilities gathered together in Yerevan for a special event on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and dedicated to the accessibility of the electoral process. The event was organized by […]

Support to Electoral Processes in Armenia

Yerevan, 11 June 2021 – At the formal request of the Government of Armenia, the European Union (EU), Governments of Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, provide electoral assistance for 20 June early parliamentary elections in Armenia. The initiative aims to support Armenian authorities in holding credible and transparent pre-term elections, as […]